I understood that emptiness appears as cause and result.
Precisely this is my special teaching.
~ Jigten Sumgon

The Center
Drong Ngur is a Drikung Kagyu study and practice center dedicated to bringing the wisdom and compassion of awakening into our modern world. Joining the wisdom the Buddha offered, the skill of the Drikung lineage, and the dedication of our community, we trailblaze an authentic path of developing and integrating openness, kindness, and wisdom into a meaningful life.
Under the kind direction of Drupon Rinpoche, our center provides an open and supportive space for engaging in study, meditation, and mindful activity on the journey to discover the full potential of our mind and life.

Events • Retreats • Courses
The Drong Ngur Meditation Center provides opportunities to learn, contemplate, and integrate the dharma. Our classes and events are open to every person regardless of background or resources. More focused retreats and courses help practitioners integrate the practical and profound teachings into their lives. We are here as a community place to inspire and awaken compassionate wisdom through personal and sangha healing and growth.

Weekly Practices
Drong Ngur Jangchubling offers practice opportunities seven days a week, with meditation, recitation, and sadhana practice. All practice sessions are held in person and Zoom. Meditation and practice sessions are open to all.

Would you consider making a monthly or one time donation to Drong Ngur Jangchubling?
Your contributions go toward future center expansions, classes, and retreats.
What is the accomplishment of charity? Herein a householder dwells at home with heart free from the stain of avarice, devoted to charity, open-handed, delighting in generosity, attending to the needy, delighting in the distribution of alms. This is called the accomplishment of charity.
~ Buddha Shakyamuni