Love is the only cause of happiness.
Its nature is all-pervasive like space.
Love is the sunlight of the mind.

~ Buddha Shakyamuni

Visiting to the Center

Here you will find the information about how to travel to and around Wesley Chapel, Florida and the facilities found in the Tampa Bay area. This list is not exhaustive and not an endorsement of any local businesses, it is a brief reference guide for use by visitors to Drong Ngur Jangchubling of Florida.

  • The closest and most efficient airport is Tampa International Airport, which is approx. a 30-45 minute highway drive from the center.
    For further information regarding the facilities and location of the airport, please check their website

    At the airport you will find a vaHere riety of car rental services, taxis, and shuttles. If you wish to obtain a rental car from either Tampa International Airport or in Wesley Chapel, please contact the company of your choice in advance.
    Here you will find national and local car rental companies.

  • The physical address of Dong Ngur Jangchubling is: 30520 Lynne Drive Wesley Chapel, Florida 33543

    For the most accurate driving directions you may use Google Maps or another map service of your choice.

    When driving to the center or leaving, please be aware it is located in a rural area and that street lights are minimal at night and the roads can be narrow. We encourage visitors to use common caution when driving at night under these conditions.

  • Public transportation in Wesley Chapel is limited. There is a bus line that runs across State Road 54(the major road closest to Drong Ngur) but no stops are directly by the center. You will need to walk from the bus stop or arrange a pickup by car. Several hotels, shopping centers and restaurants are located on this major road.

    Regular fare is $1.50 per ride or a 1-Day Pass is $3.75 for unlimited rides.
    For further guidelines, route information and discounted rates, please visit the Pasco County government's home page.

  • If you are planning on attending the teachings and are in need of a place to stay, there are several options. Each is located close to the center. Further information may be gained by contacting them via phone.

    • Sleep Inn 5703 Oakley Blvd Wesley Chapel, Fl.,813-973-1665

    • Best Western Summer Crest 5639 Oakley Blvd Wesley Chapel Fl.,813-345-2000

    • Rodeway Inn/AKA Comfort Inn 5642 Oakley Blvd Wesley Chapel.Fl. ,813-991-4600

    • Saddlebrook Resort 5700 Saddlebrook Way Wesley Chapel. Fl., 813-973-1111

  • We have included a small list of local medical facilities in the area. This is not an endorsement of the listed facilities, but is included here for your reference. In case of emergencies always dial 911.

    Florida Hospital: Wesley Chapel: 2600 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., Wesley Chapel, FL., 15-20 min. drive

    Urgent Care: Lifetime Family: 5801 Argerian Dr #103, Wesley Chapel, FL., 813.991.4991, 5-10 min. drive

    CVS Pharmacy: Store #4362 30050 County Line Road, Wesley Chapel, FL., 813.907.1423, 20 min. drive

    Walgreen's Pharmacy: Store #6412 28115 Wesley Chapel Blvd. Wesley Chapel FL., 813.973.2257, 5 min. drive